
Triplex on macOS


  1. Download Triplex
  2. Double-click the app
  3. Drag into the Applications folder, making it available in the macOS launchpad
  4. Open Triplex by double clicking the icon
  5. Add Triplex to your Dock by right-clicking on the icon in the dock choosing Options > Keep in Dock.

Creating a new project

On the welcome screen click the "Create / Initialize Project..." button and select an empty folder to initialize Triplex into. Triplex will initialize a TypeScript project with some examples to get you started.

When initialization is complete Triplex will open an example component.

Initializing an existing project

On the welcome screen click the "Create / Initialize Project..." button and select an existing repository folder folder to initialize Triplex into. Triplex will initialize itself and add some examples to get you started. You can also manually initialize a project.

When initialization is complete Triplex will open an example component.

Next steps

Once you have installed Triplex, these topics will help you get up to speed:

Common questions

Does Triplex run on Apple silicon machines?

Yes! Triplex runs on Apple silicon M1/M2 machines.